Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Lady Michelle Obama says NO to her daughters having a facebook

Many of us parents of pre-teens get bombarded with the "why can't I have a facebook?" question daily! Facebook's policy states you must be 13 to have a facebook, but many pre-teens, either with or without their parents permission, have one. My 11 year old asks daily!!! "But mom, all of my friends have one!" Well it's a good thing she is a huge fan of the President and the First Lady. I'm hoping after watching this video she will accept my long standing answer of "NO! BECAUSE I SAID SO!!" LOL...

1 comment:

reggie.white said...

As with most current events the Obama's offer such a great view into a first family that is just like all other family's. I applaud Michelle Obama Facebook is turning into Myspace and is not a place for pre-teens to be browsing...

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