Whenever it takes 7 years to build your crib...the housewarming has to be CRAZY. India's wealthiest man Mukesh Ambani, who owns much of the oil and retail giant Reliance Industries, is gearing up for the house party of all house parties. Worth about $27 billion, his 27-story home in Mumbai, is equipped with 3 helipads and an air-traffic control station on its rooftop.

The building stands 570-feet tall, and is primarily made of glass. In it you're liable to find a movie theatre, health club, salon, swimming pool & hot tub; the 6-level parking garage with a capacity 0f 160 luxury-only vehicles, 9 elevators, a staff list of 600, and a garden the size of Fairmount Park.

I don't think Kid 'N' Play would even know where to start here.