Not sure if our audience is aware, but both founders of SCREAMATME.com are Lincoln University (PA) alum. It's only right...
It’s your turn to make your voice heard in helping select this year’s RETOOL YOUR SCHOOL campus improvement grant recipients.
You know how valuable our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities are, and how much they have contributed to our country’s growth in so many ways. What could be more worthwhile than being part of helping preserve and improve some of America’s most historic campuses and landmarks?
This year, we’ve expanded the program. We are introducing a new $25,000 Campus Pride Grant for the school that shows the most initiative in promoting their proposals and garnering votes. We are also providing an additional $10,000 Tier II Grant. In all, we’ve increased the total grant funds available to $185,000.
Last year, we awarded grants totaling $150,000 to HBCUs. A $50,000 Tier I Grant went to Bethune-Cookman University to help upgrade their Student Center with wheelchair ramps and barrier-free automatic access doors in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ten additional schools received $10,000 each for a variety of projects, from landscaping to lighting to irrigation.
During the first one hundred years of its existence, Lincoln graduated approximately 20 percent of the Black physicians and more than 10 percent of the Black attorneys in the United States. Its alumni have headed over 35 colleges and universities and scores of prominent churches. At least 10 of its alumni have served as United States ambassadors or mission chiefs. Many are federal, state and municipal judges, and several have served as mayors or city managers.