If I let the public have their fun with that "Rihanna Is…" fill in the blank game, the possibilities are limitless. No Bradley Cooper. But #1ThingsForSure, Rihanna is SEXY. She has successfully forced herself into the sultry "sex symbol" club. A club that I am currently working diligently to gain membership, myself. Seriously though, her work ethic is pretty strong, and I can honestly say, we watched her WORK herself to the top. I mean, of course she surrounded herself with the right people, and made some solid professional decisions, but overall…
On August 23, 2011 (TODAY) at around 1:45pm Eastern time, the Earth did not stay still. Wait, is the Earth ever really still? Well I don't know about the entire planet, but the East Coast experienced some unusual movement for sure. From as far north as Ohio, and as far south as Virginia (some reports read North Carolina), the coast endured an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8…and yes, that's a record (at least for my hometown). Before this instance, Pennsylvania's largest quake was magnitude 5.2, and that was back in 1998. The epicenter was in the northern part of the state near the Pennsylvania-Ohio border, where it produced minor damage. It was felt throughout most of Pennsylvania and northern Ohio, as well as parts of New Jersey, Indiana, Michigan, New York and Illinois. Philadelphia, barely dodged that bullet.
During the "Quake of 2011," buildings up and down the Eastern border evacuated, cell phone towers were overloaded…shout out to T-Mobile…and most of the work force clocked out early. There were droves of workers in Center City Philadelphia filling the curbs of major city blocks such as North and South Broad Street and East and West Market. Although the region's Earthquake was lightweight, the magnitude of such, matters not to a group of people who have rarely, or never, been involved first hand. Though no injuries were reported, Philadelphia area residents/workers were and are still taking serious precautions. Although SOME businesses neglected to shut down for the remainder of the day, the building housing those businesses had different intentions.
It is my hope that all of my and your loved ones are in good health…and continue to log into SCREAMATME.com, SCREAMATME.info, SCREAMATME.mobi, SCREAMATME.net OR SCREAMATME.org for more updates on the story.