Hello Everyone!!! It is that time again where Nintendo seeks to capture the hearts and minds of children with one of its' most profitable franchises and that is what we in the United States call Pokemon.
This is the 5th Generation of the Pokemon games and as a departure from the previous 3 generations, has an entire new cast of monsters to catch, breed, fight, etc etc until you beat the game and fill your pokedex. With newbies such as Tepig, Munna, and Snivy to name a few, children and adults alike are bound to be captured all over again by a magical game.

To clear the game up for your average person, Pokemon is a RPG by all definition of the manner. from the leveling to learning moves it is all standard RPG warfare. What makes it different is simply the stigma attached to it by name and cartoon.

As far as the game goes it is great and there are so many things added that it would take a nice sized term paper to explain them properly. Of the new innovations include Triple Battles, constantly moving Pokemon, illustrated moves, changing seasons, and more functionality with the Nintendo DSi and DSiXL just to name a few. All in all if your a fan of the series I suggest you pick this up, and if not it is still a great game to play.
With the Replay value and simply the sheer amount of Pokemon to catch(over 650) it is simply an amazing game to have and take hold of. If you a fan you will end up with both versions for the legendaries and a full set of starters. But if your a casual fan I suggest you do your research online to see which type of Pokemon you prefer to have.
With that said and done I will give this game a 9 out of 10. With the new items, Pokemon, and differences between versions it is amazing how much can get into that little game. This is a worthy purchase as it will keep children captivated for hours and will make the upcoming family trips very bearable.

Special thanks to
DieHard GameFan and
Amazon for images