Now, I've gone on record and said that
MELANIE AMARO is a "shoe in," sure-fire winner for Simon Cowell's highly publicized
X Factor competition television series.
I may have been wrong.
And no, it has nothing to do with talent. I still, FIRMLY believe that Miss Melanie Amaro can out-sing the best of the best in her class and beyond. When she sings, I cry of pure happiness and delight...on the inside though (because gangsters like myself, don't REALLY cry).
Here's the "factor:" Rachel Crow CAN really sing, she's thirteen years old, and, most importantly, she has a story like no other. Two words: crack baby. Minus the humor, or sarcastic undertone, Rachel Crow is a product of substance abuse. The
New York Post reported late last night that the contestant was adopted at six months old, and has lived with her current parents since. Rachel's mother, Barbara Crow, confirms, "She was born a crack baby and actually lived in a crack house and suffered a lot of abuse."
I find it very interesting that the producers at
X-Factor kept this one to themselves. Shows like this are notorious for exploiting stories of this eminence. For example, contestant Chris Rene. His personal drug abuse story is practically carrying him through this competition. And Stacy Francis and her "struggling single mother" account is probably the most fabricated, and early on, overshadowed her
screaming ability. Interesting, to say the least.
On top of Rachel's story, her intentions are golden. "I want to build a foundation that makes [foster kids] feel good about themselves...whether they want to sing or act or whether they want be in sports or go to Harvard," Rachel said in her
Post interview. "I want to make sure they get to chase their dreams."
Five million dollars is a ton of money, and I'm not sure if I know one 13-year old willing to make contributions like this... Kudos to her parents, you've clearly done a phenomenal job.
America meet Rachel. But, you didn't need my introduction right?