President Obama made history back in 2008. Yes, that history, but he was able to rewrite another page in the books as well. Online campaigning. Back in 2008, Team Obama completely transformed the concept of digital campaigning. Here we are, four years later, experiencing yet another transformation.
According to a recent
Nielsen analysis, President Barack Obama’s effort tallied in more unique voting-age visitors than the four remaining Republican candidates’ sites combined throughout January 2012. Overall, the President's site received 4.2 million unique visitors, ages 18+ during the month...

I would go ahead and say that this is a pretty drastic difference. In regard to the more specific demographic...

These GOP - Grand Old Party - candidates (Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul) are being just that...OLD. If they would to stand a chance in this upcoming election, they would focus more on the "new." Tap into these various social networks. There are literally, hundreds of outlets to utilize to build social awareness and candidate charisma. Those are all the tips I feel like giving away for free today though.