So, is this what America has come to? If so, I'm packing and moving to Japan to raise my children.
Though this topic is a few weeks old, I think it's still relevant and worth the post...Sesame Street the number 1 children's educational television program, recently guess starred, Miss "I Kissed A Girl, And I Liked It" The hell?!
Luckily for human kind and future generations, the episode never officially aired. Apparently, she showed up to the taping dressed inappropriately. And you thought not? She's a California Girl for heaven's sake. One of her fantasies probably includes nailing Elmo & Ernie simultaneously or something freaky like that. I'm sick that the program's directors/writers would even entertain the thought. They must not have children.
I like Katy Perry. I do. I think she would be cool to chill with on occasion...you know, invite to game night, and even sit next to at award shows...but leaving her "alone," with my children is a whole other "cool." A "cool" she has yet to achieve.
When I think Sesame Street, I think...PURE. For example, pop guest stars would include, Reverend Run, Rob Dyrdek, Tom Brady & his bunch, and B.o.B. on a day when he's had little to no interaction with T.I. The Katy Perrys, Nicki Minajs, Trey Songzs, Lady Gagas, and Kardashians (take your pick) of the world, can all stay far away from Sesame Street, and closer to Burbon Street during a taping of Girls Gone Wild: Celeb Edition.
Now, I'm no parent yet, but I plan on being a great one when that time comes. So quick question to help my personal growth and development; Parents, would you have let your extension watch that episode? Was it really that bad???
And then, she went and did this...
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