I wasn't shocked nor surprised when it was reported that Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) was caught inside a flirtation craigslist scandal. Multiple media outlets reported that Rep. Lee sent a shirtless photo to a woman he met on the craigslist "Women for Men" section. His bare-chested towel draped photo was blasted throughout the world. Lee's swift resignation had to have been a record for career crashing events. However, what was actually shocking was that Rep. Lee would be naive enough to answer the add using his real identity, real email address and actual photo. He must have fell asleep in "how to hide your skeletons" orientation held at congress. He didn't learn much from his predecessors which include Governor Mark Sandford (R) (ran off to South America with mistress), John Edwards (affair- fathered a child with camping videography), Tom Foley (R) (sent explicit online notes to 16 year old page) and our most lovable cheater Bill Clilnton (D) (admitted to having sexual relations with staffer). Now many politicians have risen from the ashes of scandal to continue their careers and become cult hero's of some sort. In Chris Lee's case it appears nothing he's done in his 26th months in office will overshadow his permanent insertion into pop culture and late-night jokes. I believe he resigned so quickly because there is other, more damning evidence out there waiting to surface. Lastly, there is a sort of hypocrisy here, and not just the Republican political platform of family, morals, ethics and values but also a hypocrisy of the American people. The United States is the most sexually charged country on earth however we want our politicians to be above our own very low moral standards. I'm not saying we shouldn't expect a high level of integrity from our elected officials but we expect more from them than we expect from ourselves.
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