Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kobe Plays NBA 2k12 *NBA 2k12 Preview* (Small Miami Heat Diss)

Here the Playstation 3 "Move" version of 2k12 is played. (Compared to the Wii, and XBOX 360 "Kinect") Not only does Kobe try out the 2k12 video game, but he takes a shot at the Miami Heat as well. One of the game's developers played against Kobe using the Miami Heat. As his opponent bragged saying "its because its the Heat," Kobe fires back saying.."The Heat aint got 5 of those things tho"!!!! As a Lakers fan, I laughed.

PS: this was taken during the regular season.

Kobe shot at the Heat is (2:39) into the video.