SCREAMATME.com would like to introduce to our viewers, Vague Nature.
We know exactly what you're thinking...
Vague Nature?
With a group name like that, you're not really sure what to expect, and it works in their favor. A hip-hop group composed of Haitian rapper, HD and Philadelphia native Cai, these two are here for the taking. Their respective styles consist of originality (to say the least), creativity, thought-provoking lyrics, and animated wordplay. Content?

“I don’t knock it or anything but, Vague Nature doesn’t really rap about drugs, guns, or violence; that’s not the message we lean on. There are enough people dying in real life because of that stuff, we don’t have to make songs about it. Especially me being from Haiti, with all that’s going on there; we don’t limit ourselves to just that. You name it and we got a song for it. We’re just two young black males trying to make our dreams come true by putting out positive music for our listeners.” - HD
Dope. Vague Thoughts mixtape coming soon.
Editors Note: These two are not idiots. Both pursuing higher education degrees (HD - West Chester University - Respiratory Health and Cai - Delaware County Community College - Business Finance), they actually composed most of what you just read. It took us forever to actually get to a post, but thanks to my brother from another, Murph and well, my sister from another...we were finally able to bring this to light. Keep working VN, I have a feeling we'll see/hear more from you two...
this is real hip hop with a positive message big ups
nice lyrics and a crazy beat
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