Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The 504 Will Welcome The 2014 NBA All-Star Game

Are you surprised? I'm not. It hadn't even been a week since the New Orleans Saints owner, Tom Benson formally agreed to buy the NBA's New Orleans Hornets franchise - to the tune of $338 Million and signed a lease extension at New Orleans Arena, before everyone's favorite Commissioner, David Stern, brought his ass down to the Big EASY and made his announcement.

So, it's official, New Orleans will host the 2014 All-Star game as - and I quote - "a reward to the good citizens of this city and the sponsors and ticket holders."

What he forgot to mention was just how much this is going to help the NBA's financials. The city of New Orleans is erupt right now! Locals are excited that the Hornets (although, not really sure how long that name will be valid) will get to stay, and their Saints, aren't quite the Golden children of the NFL right now...they will be OK.

The announcement got heated when Stern had barely finished his spotlight moment lines, when Benson requested the fans help him and his team pick out a new name for the club...

"We want to change the name from Hornets to something that means New Orleans and Louisiana," said Benson. "The Hornets don't mean anything" to the area.

Stern smiled while Benson spoke and noted, "He doesn't own the team yet."

"You've got $25,000 of my dough," Benson responded, referring to his down-payment.

Stern quickly corrected him, saying, "$25 million - and if you want to get it credited to the purchase price, you better stop talking now."




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