Remember the show from the early 90's called "American Gladiators?" Well if you do most likely you remember "Storm" also known as Debbie Clark. Storm made $1,500 a day during her run as an American Gladiator. She became a Gladiator in 1991. This was until she tore her ACL in 1993.
Well now Clark is homeless and has nothing to show for her moments of being in the celebrity spot light. After her career ending injury. After the injury Clark spent her money trying to better herself and to find a career. She is not the alcoholic, drug abusing story you may expect. She spent money pursuing a career as a Country music singer. She also went to culinary school and was a person trainer.
Clark also spent thousands on vitro-fertilization to have a child. This was a success and now Clark's son Crayton is 10 years old.
She has hopped back in forth from homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters. But her knee injury makes it almost impossible to walk the streets during the day hours to find a job. She did odd jobs until her knee made it impossible to continue.
Clark has recently crossed paths with Sean Sheppard the CEO of an organization that helps the less fortunate. Hopefully he can help her get back on track. Sheppard is also trying to help her get in contact with her Gladiator Teammates from the past.
You can find the full article thanks to AOL...HERE
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